Going back to the future with fix points of things that don't exist yet

Or, what's Löb got to do with it?

This is an attempt at writing a more succinct exploration of the topics found here; I do not claim this as original work.

In provability logic, Löb's theorem states:

□ ( □ P → P ) → □ P

In English, "If a system has Peano arithmetic, then if for any p the statement 'if p is provable then p is true' is true, then p is provable."

According to the Curry-Howard isomorphism, in type systems like that of Haskell's types correspond to logical propositions, and functions inhabiting those types are proofs. So if a type's definability implies its validity then it is definable.

Somebody had this bright idea of pretending □ was some functor f and encoded this property in a function called loeb:

loeb :: Functor f => f (f a -> a) -> f a
loeb x = fmap (\a -> a (loeb x)) x

How could this be useful? Recalling that the type [a] is a functor,

test_loeb_1 = [ length , \x -> x !! 0 ]
ghci> loeb test_loeb_1


Intuitively it's like a spreadsheet: you take (in this case) a row of cells containing functions which assume the final spreadsheet is finished, and they can rely on each other for their final values.

length and \x -> x !! 0 are both functions which accept a list as an argument and return a single item of the list. The length of the test_loeb_1 list is 2 so length is 2, and thus x !! 0 is 2.

Here's a more elaborate example:

test_loeb_2_bad = [ (!! 5), 3, (!! 0) + (!! 1), (!! 2) * 2, sum . take 3, 17 ]

However, this is bad because 3 and 17 aren't functions. Haskell has a standard function, const :: a -> b -> a, which we can use to turn ordinary values into functions:

test_loeb_2 :: [[Int] -> Int]
test_loeb_2 = [ (!! 5), (const 3), (\l -> (l !! 0) + (l !! 1))
              , \l -> (l !! 2) * 2, sum . take 3 , (const 17 )]

So now I run test_loeb_2 ...

ghci> loeb test_loeb_2

I took the fix point of a value that didn't exist yet and tied a very strange temporal knot. Thanks, Löb!