Recently I’ve had the urge to write a Twitter bot but I don’t actually know what I want it to do yet. So I did what any self-respecting functional programmer would do: I wrote a bunch of tools to make writing bots easier!
So I took a look at the Twitter API1 and got to hacking. It was fun and while I’m not done implementing every little piece I thought I would showcase a style of programming that is quite nice in Haskell. Using my library writing a Twitter bot is as simple as this:
sendExampleTweet = runTwitter credentials $ do
status <- tweet "Sending an example tweet!"
liftIO . putStrLn $ case statusCode status of
200 -> "Success!"
_ -> "Couldn't send Tweet :("
Or this:
exampleSearchStream = runTwitter credentials $ do
publicStream ["dog","dogs"] $ \status tweets ->
when (statusCode status == 200) $
runTube $ for (sample tweets) doSomethingWithDogTweet
Like so many of my recent projects this library builds on my tubes library for handling streaming output. However I think its uses are fairly self-explanatory, and where they aren’t the documentation should be.
NB: I’m going to discuss some stuff that sounds scary at first but isn’t. Believe in yourself!
The code is available in a github repository.
1 Type Hype
To begin I decided to use the excellent http-client package. It exposes a fairly low-level interface for creating HTTP requests and getting back responses. And as such the library almost exclusively uses ByteString
s for moving data around. The additional http-client-tls package provides an easy way to handle HTTPS connections.
Because I turned out to need them in a lot of places I first wrote a type for request parameters:
data Param = Param ByteString ByteString
Pretty straightforward.
The Twitter API requires a consumer key and consumer secret for authenticated endpoints to determine who is making the request. And for most endpoints you must also supply an access token and an access secret. Some endpoints - for instance, ones where you obtain access tokens and secrets - don’t require them. So without further ado let’s define a type to hold all of our credentials:
data Credentials = Credentials
{ consumerKey :: ByteString
, consumerSecret :: ByteString
, token :: Maybe ByteString
, tokenSecret :: Maybe ByteString
} deriving (Show)
Awesome. We’re going to need these just about everywhere. http-client
keeps track of connection pools for me using a Manager
value. For efficiency (and, sometimes, correct behavior) it’s a good practice to create one and share it throughout an application. Twitter might decide I have too many open connections otherwise.
Since we will want to share credentials and connection managers throughout the entire program we can define a read-only Twitter state type:
data TwitterStateRO = TwitterStateRO
{ credentials :: Credentials
, manager :: Manager
But wait, where exactly will we be –
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
{- ... -}
newtype Twitter a = Twitter (ReaderT TwitterStateRO IO a)
deriving ( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadReader TwitterStateRO
, MonadIO )
Oh, that word. Yay.
Monads are miniature command languages. Just like with a command prompt, commands take arguments and produce output but they also have side effects on the underlying computer.
is a language with commands that can perform I/O with the computer. Another (defined in the transformers
and mtl
packages), Reader r
, is a language that can at any time consult a hidden value of type r
while executing commands.
Specifically, Reader r
has the following function:
ask :: Reader r r
When you call it, it returns the hidden r
value you were storing. To wit:
someReaderComputation :: Reader Int String
someReaderComputation n = do
hiddenValue <- ask
if (hiddenValue `mod` 2 == 0)
then return "The number is even"
else return "This was a stupid example Gatlin and you know it"
Monads can also be stacked on top of each other to combine their abilities. In addition to Reader r
there is ReaderT r m
, which has a hidden value of type r
and sits on top of another monad m
. By convention monads which transform others have a T
A lot of clever bullshit has gone into the various implementations of monad transformers but the good news is with a language extension enabled you can automatically derive everything you need, as shown above. 2
Now we need a way of evaluating Twitter
commands with user-supplied Credentials
that automatically sets up and tears down a connection Manager
runTwitter :: Credentials -> Twitter a -> IO a
runTwitter creds (Twitter c) = do
manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
runReaderT c $ TwitterStateRO creds manager
That’s the very same one demonstrated at the beginning of the article. runReaderT
takes expressions in the ReaderT r m
language and delivers values in the underlying m
How do we go about making it easy to access the Credentials
or the Manager
getCredentials :: Twitter Credentials
getCredentials = ask >>= return . credentials
getManager :: Twitter Manager
getManager = ask >>= return . manager
Oh. And then by exporting Twitter
, runTwitter
, getCredentials
, and getManager
, users of the library don’t have to know how the proverbial sausage is made. They can just use these functions.
3 OAuth, where are thou?
The OAuth implementation is actually enough to be an article all on its own. For good reason Twitter has high and particular standards. After hours of battling real literal actual dragons I ginned up a function auth_header
which produces the correct OAuth signatures and such required to authenticate with Twitter.
Because I opted to use a custom monad which threads the credentials through it, though, I got to write this:
:: ByteString -- ^ method
-> ByteString -- ^ url
-> [Param] -- ^ Any extra parameters to pass
-> Twitter ByteString
auth_header method url extras = do
nonce <- gen_nonce
ts <- timestamp >>= return . pack . show
(Credentials key secret token token_secret) <- getCredentials
let params = [ Param "oauth_consumer_key" key
, Param "oauth_nonce" nonce
, Param "oauth_timestamp" ts
, Param "oauth_token" (maybe "" id token)
, Param "oauth_signature_method" "HMAC-SHA1"
, Param "oauth_version" "1.0"
let sk = signing_key secret token_secret
let params' = param_string $ extras ++ params
let base_string = sig_base_string params' method url
let signature = sign sk base_string
let with_signature = (Param "oauth_signature" signature) : params
return $ create_header_string with_signature
It needs some explaining but I’d be willing to bet the average programmer from any background could more or less follow what I’m doing there, modulo some specifics.
Notice how cool and fly I am as I use getCredentials
. Because of the requirement to generate random values and get a timestamp auth_header
had to somehow be part of the IO
monad anyway so this was a natural fit.
4 I got SERVED
A design goal of Twitter
is to automatically close open connections and do as much repetitive work as possible. I’m going to take you step-by-step through the different pieces and show how I built up my little command language and it’s going to be really impressive because in fact I actually developed this almost completely in reverse and spent a lot of time crying.
provides a type Response a
which allows you to get back response data in any number of forms. (We’ll get to Request
s in a moment.) Regardless of the type of the actual response payload, Response
encapsulates other things like the response headers, status code, etc.
One such value is a BodyReader
, which is an alias for IO ByteString
because the former gives you an indication of what it’s used for and the latter sounds like a Marvel villain.
Because IO
expressions evaluate on an as-needed basis this is actually a clever way to prevent more data from being loaded until necessary.
I want to be able to stream incoming results using my tubes
library, though. Specifically I’d like to have a Response (Source Twitter ByteString)
. Since that’s quite a handful I’ll alias it:
type ResponseStream = Response (Source Twitter ByteString)
The first step, then, is converting BodyReader
to Source Twitter ByteString
from :: BodyReader -> Source Twitter ByteString
from br = Source loop where
loop do
bs <- liftIO br
if null bs
then halt
else (yield bs) >> loop
Additionally http-client
provides two functions:
responseOpen :: Request -> Manager -> IO (Response BodyReader)
responseClose :: Response BodyReader -> IO ()
The first essentially takes a request and a connection manager, performs the actual HTTP request, and gives you back a Response
ready to be evaluated. The second explicitly closes the connection involved with the Response
Since we’re operating in a different monad, though, I imported these two functions with a prefix and wrote my own:
responseOpen :: Request -> Twitter ResponseStream
responseOpen req = do
manager <- getManager
response <- liftIO $ H.responseOpen req manager
return $ fmap (from . brRead) response
responseClose :: Response a -> Twitter ()
responseClose = liftIO . H.responseClose
evaluates a chunk of the unevaluated Response
value and then passes it along. And now I can write a function that makes requests for me and automatically cleans up and closes connections when finished:
:: Request
-> (ResponseStream -> Twitter a)
-> Twitter a
makeRequest r k = do
response <- responseOpen r
result <- k response
responseClose response
return result
The Twitter API responds to GET
and POST
HTTP requests for different end points. I wrote two functions for generating Request
values for each type, complete with the correct authorization headers. Here is the GET
:: String -- ^ URL
-> [Param] -- ^ Request parameters
-> Twitter Request
getRequest url params = do
-- convert the parameters into a query string
let queryString = "?"++(unpack $ param_string params)
initialRequest <- liftIO $ parseRequest $ "GET "++ url ++ queryString
ah <- auth_header "GET" (pack url) params
return $ initialRequest {
requestHeaders =
[("Authorization", ah)
,("Content-type", "multipart/form-data")
,("Accept", "*/*")
Again, because all of this is happening inside a big happy Twitter
monad, merely by calling auth_header
the credentials are passed along as a side effect and I don’t need to explicitly thread them through the whole program.
5 Let’s twitterpate
With these in hand, finally, we can create some commands. First let’s get the user’s home timeline, which is a collection of the most recent tweets they’re following:
:: [Param]
-> (Status -> Source Twitter ByteString -> Twitter a)
-> Twitter a
getHomeTimeline' params k = do
request <- getRequest (urlRESTBase ++ "statuses/home_timeline.json") params
makeRequest request $ \r -> k (responseStatus r) (responseBody r)
:: (Status -> Source Twitter ByteString -> Twitter a)
-> Twitter a
getHomeTimeline k = getHomeTimeline' [] k
The first version allows you to specify any optional parameters you want; the second just goes with the defaults. You can use this like so:
homeTimelineExample = runTweet creds $ do
getHomeTimeline $ \_ tweets ->
runTube $ sample tweets
>< map unpack -- provided by the bytestring package
>< pour (someFileSink "out.txt")
Provided that you had a someFileSink :: FilePath -> Sink Twitter String
you could log everything into a file for later processing, and very efficiently.
For tweeting we can write something similar:
:: String -- ^ tweet text
-> [Param]
-> Twitter Status
tweet' txt params = do
let url = urlRESTBase ++ "statuses/update.json"
let params' = (Param "status" (pack txt) : params)
request <- postRequest url params'
makeRequest request $ return . responseStatus
tweet :: String -> Twitter Status
tweet txt = tweet' txt []
The cool thing about my approach, though, is that Twitter’s streaming endpoints also work well. Consider the user stream, which gives you real time updates for a particular user’s Twitter stream. Voici:
:: [Param]
-> (Status -> Source Twitter ByteString -> Twitter a)
-> Twitter a
userStream' params k = do
request <- getRequest "" params
makeRequest request $ \r -> k (responseStatus r) (responseBody r)
userStream :: (Status -> Source Twitter ByteString -> Twitter a) -> Twitter a
userStream k = userStream' [] k
That’s … almost identical to the other non-streaming endpoint. Unless a completely empty string is sent (no newlines, no nothing) the Source
created by from
will continue supplying output until the connection is explicitly closed. So really no extra effort is necessary to support RESTful or streaming endpoints. Neat!
I haven’t yet finished implementing commands for every single REST endpoint and I have ideas for how to make it really easy to specify search parameters and stream preferences, but it’s a good start.
Oh and I really should provide a Channel
for automatically decoding JSON values. Shit this is getting long.
6 Closing #thoughtsandprayers
What is the meaning of all this, then? The monad pattern allows you to easily thread global values through a program without having to explicitly carry them around.
GHC provides mechanisms for automatically deriving combinations of known monads into new ones, and by hiding this derivation behind a module if I need, for example, to add logging with the WriterT w m
monad or have a mutable value with StateT s m
, well, I can and nothing will break for the end user.
That’s one hell of a run-on sentence.
And the monad pattern itself can be used to define a command language with side effects that abstracts away tedium. Users of my library get to write
shitpost :: Twitter ()
shitpost = runTwitter my_access_keys $ do
status <- tweet "#RipHarambe"
liftIO . putStrLn $ case statusCode status of
200 -> "Shit: posted"
_ -> "Another time, sweet prince"
And that’s it.
For those of you who may not be acquainted with the term, API stands for “Application Programming Interface” or “a way for a computer to use a program.” It’s a generic term, but most of the time I come across the term it means the more specific “series of HTTP endpoints a computer can make requests to.”↩
So what’s with the
bullshit, huh? Haskell should probably work on its PR but those are typeclasses which are pre-requisites for being aMonad
. Should they be automatically derived? Probably. Oh well it doesn’t cost me much to remember to include them.↩